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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


HPC-users (beendet)
From: 25.07.2013 / 20:00
To: 26.07.2013 / 20:00
Dear HPC-users

the restore of the home filesystem is almost complete and we have
reenabled the login to the HPC systems (except triton).
Some users home directories are not yet available -
they will be informed about this at login. If you are one of
those users, please try again later - it can take up to
another 24 h to restore all files.

Please keep in mind that you are accessing a snapshot of your home
directory taken in the night from July 16 to July 17, so all changes
that happened on July 17 during the day are unfortunately not available.
If you are missing important data from that day, please inform us at
hpcsupport@zih.tu-dresden.de as there is still a high probability to
retrieve this data at a later point.

We apologize again for the inconveniences caused by this long service
interupt which was due to a connection of worst circumstances. Sometimes
the fates have a very cruel sense of humor...

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