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Cisco AnyConnect Software Update past 09-DEC-2024 (beendet)
From: 09.12.2024 / 09:00
To: 10.01.2025 / 10:00
[Update] If the software has not yet been updated, this will happen automatically the next time you try to connect. Please wait for the update and do not interrupt it.

Help for all operating systems at: https://tu-dresden.de/zih/dienste/service-katalog/arbeitsumgebung/zugang_datennetz/vpn/ssl_vpn?set_language=en

The Cisco AnyConnect client software on the VPN gateway (vpn2. zih.tu-dresden.de, adminvpn.zih.tu-dresden.de) will be updated on Monday December 9th 2024 between 09 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Since the old AnyConnect Client software is not supported anymore an update to the new version (now called Cisco Secure Client) will start automatically when connecting to the VPN gateway with the VPN Client. Please wait for the update to finish and do not interrupt it.

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