Dienste des ZIH
Backup Datennetz Exchange Hochleistungsrechnen Internet-Anbindung
Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Maintenance work telephone system (beendet)
From: 25.09.2023 / 09:00
To: 27.09.2023 / 17:00
From 25.09.2023 to 27.09.2023, software updates will take place on the telephone system between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
Telephones, softphones, CTI clients and voicemail must temporarily re-register on the redundancy infrastructure, which will result in short interruptions (1-2 min). Softphones and CTI clients may have to re-login. However, ongoing calls are not interrupted. The attendant console is affected during restarts.
Access to Cisco web portals (voicemail and selfcare portal for phones) is also affected.

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