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Maintenance work on the WLAN infrastructure with temporary unavailability of the WLAN (beendet)
From: 15.02.2023 / 17:00
To: 15.02.2023 / 19:00
On February 15, 2023, between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., maintenance work will be carried out on the components of the WLAN. The firmware of the controllers and the access points will be updated and the devices will be restarted.
During this period, the WLAN and the WLAN telephony on campus and in all branch offices of the Dresden University of Technology, at all cooperation partners (CRTD, DZNE, guest houses of the TU Dresden) as well as in the Saxon State Library - State and University Library (SLUB) and in the SMWK will be temporarily, possibly several times, down.

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