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Security updates to the central firewall and VPN gateways (beendet)
From: 24.11.2022 / 05:30
To: 24.11.2022 / 10:30
From 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Thursday November 11th 2022 the software of the central firewall an the VPN gateways ( site-to-site, vpn2.zih.tu-dresden.de, adminvpn.zih.tu-dresden.de) will be updated.

The central firewall and the vpn2.zih.tu-dresden.de should run the update without interruption of network connectivity due to the high availability configuration of the system.

adminvpn and the site-to-site VPN run without redundancy and the service will be interrupted during the upgrade process. Regarding the *site-to-site VPN gateway* the following locations will be offline:
- Eisenstuckstraße 5
- Botanischer Garten
- SMWK eduroam
- Einsteinstraße 9
- Drucker HFBK
- Drucker TU Freiberg
- Lockwitzer Straße 15
- Zwickauer Straße 48

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