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Announcement: Software updates of the backbone routers (beendet)
From: 27.10.2022 / 13:00
To: 09.11.2022 / 21:00
Software updates are necessary on the backbone routers.
The routers are designed in pairs and are updated alternately, so that one device is always available. Provided your network is behind a ZIH firewall, is configured with HSRP or has a redundant L3 connection, the update will run without interruption - barring unforeseen events. If none of the three aforementioned conditions are met, the affected networks will experience an outage lasting several hours.

The update will take place at the following router locations on these dates:
27 October 2022, 1 pm - 6 pm: THA
01 November 2022, 1 pm - 6 pm: MAR
02 November 2022, 1 pm - 6 pm: WEB
07 November 2022, 1 pm - 6 pm: CRT
08 November 2022, 1 pm - 7 pm: TRE + LZR
09 November 2022, 3 pm - 9 pm: Core Router
The assignment of the router locations to the individual buildings can be found under the following link: https://tu-dresden.de/zih/dienste/service-katalog/arbeitsumgebung/bereitstellung_datennetz/routingbereiche?set_language=en

Please inform the persons in your area of responsibility.

If you have any questions or if you notice any unexpected outages on the respective day, please contact mathias.buenger@tu-dresden.de or 0351/463-38437.

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