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Malfunction at the central storage system in the LZR (beendet)
From: 19.01.2022 / 11:56
To: 21.01.2022 / 12:00
In the course of the expansion of the Netapp system in the LZR, a problem occurred on Wednesday, 19.01.2022, as a result of which the group drives, cloudstore and partially the virtualization services are disrupted.
Intensive work is being done to rectify the problem.

Update 16:44: The repair work, which we are carrying out together with our service providers, is ongoing. We are currently unable to estimate when all affected services will be running smoothly again.

Update 15:13: Group drives are available again, but with limited performance. Cloudstore is not yet available.

Update 10:15: Internal Netapp repair work is ongoing on the volumes. At the moment, there are therefore some delays in client access to files.

Update 9:40: All volumes are back online. Redundancy at controller level still needs to be restored.

Update 8:20: First signs of life of the failed storage (1/5 back online) - it is progressing, but still takes time.

Update 18:00: Work is still ongoing :-/

Update 15:00: Netapp support has been busy repairing for some time. The hope is that the system will be back online tonight.

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