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Aktuelle Ankündigungen / Meldungen


Restrictions on the Campuscard portal
From: 07.10.2024 / 15:35
To: 25.10.2024 / 18:00

Due to the large number of enquiries, there are currently some restrictions in the accessibility of the Campuscard portal.
The service provider is already working on a solution, we ask for your understanding.

Closing of the equipment rental service on 11 October 2024 (anstehend)
From: 11.10.2024 / 08:00
To: 11.10.2024 / 19:00

For operational reasons, the equipment rental service will be closed on friday, 11 October 2024. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Deactivation of the old group administration API (anstehend)
From: 16.10.2024 / 09:00
To: 16.10.2024 / 12:00

The old API for group administration, previously accessible at https://idm-tools.tu-dresden.de/0/api/, will be switched off. The new API at https://idm-tools.tu-dresden.de:8443/docs must be used for automated access to group... [mehr]

Maintenance work on IDM group management (anstehend)
From: 23.10.2024 / 13:30
To: 23.10.2024 / 16:00

On 23 October 2024, changes will be made to the backend of IDM group management from 13:30 until presumably 16:00. During this time, group processing will be switched off so that changes to IDM groups will only be executed after... [mehr]

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