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Rebuild Backbone-Router + Firewall Tharandt (Part 2) (beendet)
From: 08.07.2020 / 09:00
To: 08.07.2020 / 15:00
0900 - 1300:
Changing the building switches onto the Nexus routers - this causes a short interruption of all networks in the respective building.

1300 - 1400:
Change of the L3 interfaces - this causes a short interruption of the respective network.
Change of the firewall transit networks - this causes a short interruption of the external connection of all networks at the respective virtual firewall.

1400 - 1500:
Rework, troubleshooting

The measures are limited to the Tharandt site.
Subject to any unforeseeable disturbances, the individual interruptions should not last longer than 1 minute.

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