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Maintenance work telephone system (beendet)
From: 03.06.2020 / 07:00
To: 04.06.2020 / 20:00
amendment 04.06.2020
Since this morning, there have been massive problems in going and coming official talks.
The talks break off after a short time or do not take place at all.
The fault is probably with the new provider. They are working at full speed to fix it.

The telephone access of the TU Dresden has to be changed from ISDN to VoIP. Therefore, a full-day loss of the public exchange line (0351/463-0 and 035203/38-0) is to be expected on 03.06.2020.

Furthermore, it is to be expected that on 04.06.2020 there will be further short-term interruptions or errors in the course of post-configuration and troubleshooting.

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